XSE Tutorial | Space Dream

Rabu, 14 September 2011

XSE Tutorial

This is my XSE tutorial.
It will cover most all the commands.
Don't take this without my permission.
Credit to Darthatron for the overview and basic tut. on XSE.
Credit to -Hackmew- for making XSE.
Credit to everybody that supports XSE!

Part 1: Simple Script Components
First, I will teach you the basic parts.

Sample Script:

OK so you probably have no idea what these words mean, right?
I will explain everything here:

"\" commands

\p-- Used to make a message go to a new box, skipping a line.
\n-- Used to make a message go to a new line
\h-- Used for hex symbols such as:


\l--Used to make a message go to a new line AFTER \n is used.
\c--Used for making a message colored, put it before the message with NO spaces
Here is a list of the colors for firered:


\v-- Used for displaying certain names, such as (rival) and (player) and var values that you set using setvar command, which I will explain later.
The commands that you cannot change are
(player)-- \v\h01
(rival)-- \v\h06

Part 2: Other Message Scripts

For this part of the tutorial, I will teach you some more message scripts.

How about we start with a yes or no message? Sounds good to me.
Here is an example:


Ok, a few new commands, eh? Well here are the explanations:

Well, that went well. I guess it's time I taught you about flags.


Flags are what tell the game if an event has happened or not.

Example Script:

The new commands are right here:

Here is a list of commonly used flags (or flags built into the game, whatever you like to call them)

That is it for flags. Let's talk about givepokemon and giveitem now. Sounds ok?

Part 4: Giving pokemon and items

It's about time. Anyways here are some commands you need to know before we get started:

It does what it says.
setflag 0x828
Activates the Pokemon menu
Once again, It does what it says.

Example script:

That's the script in it's simplest form. But to get it to work once, look back at the Flag section.

Now, the givepokemon command is kinda weird looking, aint it?
Here is a detailed description:
givepokemon (the command) 0x(pokemon's pokedex number translated into hex) 0x(level) 0x(item number in hex) 0x0 0x0 0x0 (<--- you need these)

Now, here is a list of the pokemons' hex numbers:

That's all for givepokemon. Now let's discuss giveitem.


Here is a list of the item numbers (not in hex):

And that's it for giveitem.

And now we move on to "Other Commands"

Part 5: Other Commands

This section will cover "checkgender", "warp", "pokemart", "giveegg"

Let's go in order, shall we?

Checkgender Example:


By The Way: in checkgender, 0x0 means "if boy" and 0x1 means "if girl".

Warp time!

warp 0x(map bank) 0x(map number) 0x(warp number)

Time for a trip to the pokemart!

Here is the example:
#Dynamic 0xoffset

#org @start

pokemart @values

#org @values

binary 0x(number) . . . 0x0

Here are the pokemart item codes:

* Master Ball 0x1
* Ultra Ball 0x2
* Great Ball 0x3
* Poké Ball 0x4
* Safari Ball 0x5
* Net Ball 0x6
* Dive Ball 0x7
* Nest Ball 0x8
* Repeat Ball 0x9
* Timer Ball 0xA
* Luxury Ball 0xB
* Premier Ball 0xC
* Parlyz Heal 0x13
* Full Restore 0x14

And that's it for pokemart!

Now for "giveegg"!

Giveegg is yet another command.

The script:
giveiegg 0x(pokedex number shown above in hex (four digits) reversed) 0x(the 00

The real script:
giveegg 0x19 0x00 (that would be a pikachu egg)

That's all for now. I'll update this post when I have more info.

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